Tartan Ten Ratty

Montrose Harbor

Chicago, Illinois

Updated 5-9-2018


Dave's Day Job

Dave Brezina's Intellectual Property Site


West (Gougeon) Epoxy Systems
Solomon Technologies

More General Boatbuilding and Industry Links

Boatbuilding, Boating Industry, Plans

NMMA - National Marine Manufacturers Association - Together making boating the #1 choice in recreation.
The WoodenBoat Forum: Bolger Single Handed Schooner
Free boat plans, online boat plan sources, and free CAD boat drawing file downloads
Sailing Smacks Tackles; Their types, use and power statistics
Great Lakes Boatbuilding Company
iboats.com - thousands of boats for sale by owners and boat dealers, marine mall, boat parts.
Electric Launch Company Electric Outboards
Fishing boat designs: 2 V-bottom boats of planked and plywood construction

Gavin Atkins Site

Free Boat Design Resources
Boatbuilding Ring
Home Boatbuilding in the British Isles
Free Boat Design Resources - What's New
Polysail Old Boats
Aleut Baidarka Offsets - free boat plans for building a strip-built baidarka style sea kayaks.
Boat Plans Archive
Build Your Own Boat
Duck Flat Wooden Boats
Shoppolis Islands Yachting and Boating Aspect
Choose a plan from here
Boat Plans, Boat Kits & boat building kits, boatbuilding -- By-The-Sea
George Buehler Yacht Design
Carlson Design Plotter/Cutters
Baker Boat Works - Boat Plans
Boat Plans, Boat Kits & boat building kits, boatbuilding -- By-The-Sea
www.svensons.com - Free Boat Plans From "Science and Mechanics" Magazines
Phil Bolger Light Schooner
Building the Bolger Light Scooner
Hannu's Boatyard
About Sailing - Free Boat Plans
Build Your Own Boat, Kayak or Canoe- Free Plans

Seamanship Techniques, Fixing Particular Stuff

Field & Stream - Tying the Knots
Good Old Boat: Long-Shaft Conversion by Cory Carpenter
SJ23 Tech Tip B16 - Reseal a Leaking Toe Rail and Transom Molding

Boat Trailers

Catalina 25
Skean-dhu, a Chrylser 26 sailboat - TRAILER

Links to Links

The Mother of All Maritime Links: Contents
Maritime Links: Page 4 of 30
Duckworks - Links
Links Page
Egrets and the Commodore
Marine Page 2


Yahoo! Groups : Cyber-Boat
Searchable Index of groups.yahoo.com/group/SJ-24

Other Sailing Boating, Outdoors, Marine, Racing

Harken: Winches Magnify People Power

Personal Gear


Foul Weather Gear

Foulies Sailing Gear
Foulies Point Loma
Whitecaps Foul Weather Gear
Foulies APS
Foulies Whitecaps


KB Marine
Rock N Rescue


All weather sailors yachting knife at MadeInSheffield.com
Sheffield Knives
PremiumKnives.com we sell Boating and Yachting knife
Boye Knives. Dendritic Cobalt Boat Knives
Marlinespike.com - handmade sea chests, sea chest beckets and bellropes
Sailor's Knife & Fid
Penknives and blades by Ibberson of Sheffield UK.
Ships Locker: Sailors Rigging Knives
Cutlery Shop
World Knives
Discount Cutlery

General Outdoors Gear Sites - Some Suitable for Sailing (fleece and base layers under your Foulies), Some Won't Hold Up Long (Rain Suits Good for Rain, Not Waves, some are practically disposable, while Foulies Last), But Have a Look

REI Recreational Equipment Incorporated -- Co-op
Wonderful Wellies, UK based Outdoor Boots Site -- Might Be Better in the Boatyard in the Off-season than Sea Boots, Reviews of and Links to Camping Gear
Campmor Popularly Priced Camping Gear
County Comm dot Com -- Tactical and Prepper Gear Overruns and Closeouts, Especially Lights, Whistles and Sometimes Knives, Tools Good for Sailing -- If You're Racing, Why Not Titanium?
Botach Tactical -- Tactical and Prepper Gear Some Good for Sailing -- OD doesn't mean One Design!
Moosejaw Camping Gear

Nautical Themed Gifts

Weather & Marine Instruments from Robert E. White Instruments
NAUTICAL NOTIONS joke,jokes,nautical terms,sailing terms,quotations,quotes,proverbs,prayers,weather,superstions,quote,quotation,term,superstition

Washington Island Door County Green Bay Great Lakes

portalwisconsin.org | Locations
Museums Art Centers Historical Society Wisconsin Heritage
Encyclopedia: Door County, Wisconsin
EVENTS and Things to do in the area
Shipyard Island Marina, Inc. (Washington Island, WI)
Great Lake Plans Lakers Feighters
Fish Tugs
History of the Great Lakes. Volume I : 1881-1890
History of the Great Lakes. Volume I
Great Lakes Shipwreck Research
History of the Great Lakes. Volume I

Stainless Rod

Plastic -- Cutting Board Factory

Green Boat Stuff Horseshoe MREs Heater Meals Westerbeke

Waterproof cases 1 Waterproof cases 2 Waterproof cases 3

Rigging and Rigging Bits

CST Sales






16 CFR Part 255 Notice: Sites marked with an X (if any) said they might send some swag