Tartan Ten Ratty
Montrose Harbor
Chicago, Illinois
Updated 5-9-2018
Dave's Day Job
Dave Brezina's Intellectual Property Site Sailing
- Chicago Corinthian Yacht Club (CCYC)
- Main Page
- Racing at CCYC
- Offshore Fleet at CCYC
- Wednesday Evening Series
- Race Results
- 2017 Pursuit Times -- Includes both Trapezoid Course Charlie and Short Course Delta
- Tartan 10 Links
- Tartan 10 Class Association
- Chicago Tartan 10 Class Association
- Chicago T10 Class Rules 2012
- Chicago Corinthian YC T-10 Class (Old website)
- Practical Sailor Review
- Sail Net
- North Sails What's New
- Sailboat Survey Article from Tartan Yachts' Site
- Tartan Yachts Parts, Links to Other Brochures
- Farymann Engine
- More on a later model Farymann Engine
- Boat Diesel Article
- Chicago Lock Regulations 37 CFR 207.420 (Official)
- Chicago Lock Regulations 37 CFR 207.420 (Unofficial -- Chart Included)
- The River Trip
- Chicago Harbor Safety Committee (CHSC) Safety Recommendations
- PDF Download of MWRD Argonne 2016 Chicago River Water Quality Study
- Weather
- Radar Loops
- Quick Look Forecasts
- Chicago Nearshore Marine Forecast -- Wilmette to Meigs Field*
*and I still call them Comiskey and Sears TowerNOAA Short Term Weather Forecast Map (Pressure, Fronts, Precipitation) - Forecast Lincoln Park, Chicago, Illinois
- Wind Alert Crib and NOAA Forecast
Wind Alert Crib
NOAA Two Day Forecast Loop
- Web Cams
- Charts
- Current Conditions
- Favorite Port to Port Forecasts
- Other Weather Forecasts
- Wind, Wave, Current Forecasts
- GLERL Forecasts
- Weather Observations
- South Lake Michigan Buoy, NDBC - Station 45007 43NM East Southeast of Milwaukee, WI .
- North Lake Michigan Buoy, NDBC - Station 45002 Halfway between North Manitou and Washington Islands.
- Sea Grant Buoy off Wilmette
- Current Conditions Meigs Field
- Current Conditions O'Hare Field
- Java pressure & wind
- Still Radar and Satellite Images
- Meteorology
- US Power Squadron Man Overboard Video
- Navigation
- Chicago Lock Rules from 33 CFR 207.420
- Chicago Lock History
- Online AIS -- Commercial Ships Live
- NOAA Booklet Charts
- NOAA Chart Catalog
- _
- Nautical Chart Previews
- NOAA's National Ocean Service: MapFinder
- Download NOAA Charts in PNG Format
- GeoMidpoint
- GeoMidpoint Calculate Lat Lon from Start, Distance and Bearing
Common Mile Conversions
Statute Nautical KM .75 SM .65 NM 1.204 KM .86 SM .75 NM 1.389 KM 1 SM .87 NM 1.611 KM 1.15 SM 1.0NM 1.872 KM 1.25 SM
1.09 NM
2.019 KM
1.5 SM 1.3 NM 2.408 KM 1.73 SM 1.5 NM 2.778 KM - Sail Trim and Tuning
- Doyle Sails T-Ten Tuning and Trim Guide
- Doyle Sails T-Ten Tuning and Trim Guide (Direct to Doyle)
- North Sails T-Ten Tuning and Trim Guide
- Sobstad Sails T-Ten Tuning and Trim Guide
- Tuning the Mast
- Dieball Tuning and Trim Guide
- Spinnaker Technique
- Setting the Spinnaker Pole
- Setting Spinnaker Pole Height
- Spinnaker Trim Article
- Article1
- Spinnaker Pole Set-Up
- Spinnaker hoist - the fast mode
- Bear-Away Spinnaker Sets
- Spinnaker Trim for Performance
- How to Look At Your Spinnaker
- Washington Yacht Club Spinnaker Manual
- Videos
- Sail shape & aerodynamics aerodynamics
- Racing
- Quick Stop MOB
- Introduction
- Old US Sailing Handy Guide to Racing Rules Used to be free, but maybe they don't want you to know unless you pay?
- Coast Guard Pages 2017
- National Maritime Center (Mariner credentials) Phone: 1-888-427-5662 Email: iasknmc@uscg.mil
- National Vessel Document Center Emails: nvdc.w.webmaster@uscg.mil nvdc.pdf.filing@uscg.mil
- Marine Safety Center Email: msc@uscg.mil
- Navigation Center
- Navigation and Vessel Inspection Circulars (NVIC)
- Administrative Law Judge: Contact: Lauren.M.Meus@uscg.mil
- Safety Alerts
- National Pollution Funds Center
- Limnology, Ecology, History
- Great Lakes Environment
- Great Lakes Environmental Statistics
- Astronomical site
- Sea Grant Fish of Great Lakes
- Great Lakes Information
- New Page 1
- Great Lakes Lakes Sturgeon - Green Bay FRO Activities
Other Sailing
- Instruments and Displays
- Mark Rosenstein's Sailing Page
- Registration, Decals and Titles (Boater License Not Required) - Official Washington Boat License and Boating Safety Course
- Dummies::Launching a Sailboat from a Trailer
- Pennsylvania Sea Grant - Safe Boating Tips
- U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Boating Courses
- Scuttlebutt - Your Source for Daily Sailing News
- UK's Encyclopedia of Sails -- Index
- PWC Elimination
- SailTrimSim
- Good Old Boat: No Fear Mast Stepping by Ron Chappell
- Hull Speed
- BoatUS.com: BoatUS Home Page
Chandlery, Parts and Equipment
Online Retailers - The Usual Suspects, for Sailors
- Annapolis Performance Sailing
- Annapolis Performance Sailing: Boat Parts, Lines, Foulies
- Defender
- Layline
- Sailnet
- Landfall
- West Marine Note That West Marine will only price match in store if you get a price from another retail store within 50 miles of the West Marine Brick and Mortar Store.
- Overton's
- Bass Pro
- Cabela's
- Dick's Sporting Goods
- Boater's World
- Mauri Pro
- Allied Titanium Parts
- Whitecap Marine
- Boat Parts for Less
Boat Parts & Supplies
- Allied Titanium
- Titan Marine
Other Sailors' Parts, Gear
- Duckworks Boatbuilder Supply -- Small Selection, but Inexpensive
- Sound Boatworks
- County Comm -- Tactical, But Some Good Deals on Gear Usable in Sailing
- Sailrite Enterprises, Inc. - Store Front Page
- Binnacle
- Bosun Supplies Co.
- Chesapeake
- Coastal Marine Online
- Boating.com
- Marysville Marine
- Pacific Industrial Surplus (Seattle)
- Ship's Store
- Columbus
- NRS Web
- Sailing Gear
- Sailing Pro Shop All Points Marine
Specific Rigging Bits
- Blue Heron -- Stocks Airmar Transducers Used for Many Instrument Brands Including Raymarine
- Snatch Blocks -- Good For Barber Haulers?
- Fisheries Supply Sailboat Parts
- Fisheries Supply Rigging Hardware
- JCD Custom Race Parts
- Fulton Performance Products - Home
- Garhauer One Touch Winch Handle
- Ships Locker - Online Catalog of Quality Nautical Gift Items, Jewelry, and Marine Clothing for Sailors, Boaters, and Yachting Enthusiasts
- Boat anchors, sea anchors, anchor, drogues, boat supplies, marine equipment
- Port Cahe (Hood Canal Discount tackle - Belfair, WA)
Fasteners, Components, Raw Materials and Parts
- U.S., Metric and Stainless Steel Screws
- Remco Bolts: Department: 'Unknown Department'
- Mastlight LED Lights
West (Gougeon) Epoxy Systems Solomon Technologies
More General Boatbuilding and Industry Links
Boatbuilding, Boating Industry, Plans
Duckworks NMMA - National Marine Manufacturers Association - Together making boating the #1 choice in recreation. The WoodenBoat Forum: Bolger Single Handed Schooner Free boat plans, online boat plan sources, and free CAD boat drawing file downloads Sailing Smacks Tackles; Their types, use and power statistics Great Lakes Boatbuilding Company iboats.com - thousands of boats for sale by owners and boat dealers, marine mall, boat parts. Electric Launch Company Electric Outboards Fishing boat designs: 2 V-bottom boats of planked and plywood construction Gavin Atkins Site
Free Boat Design Resources Boatbuilding Ring Home Boatbuilding in the British Isles Free Boat Design Resources - What's New Polysail Old Boats Aleut Baidarka Offsets - free boat plans for building a strip-built baidarka style sea kayaks. Boat Plans Archive Build Your Own Boat Duck Flat Wooden Boats Shoppolis Islands Yachting and Boating Aspect Choose a plan from here Boat Plans, Boat Kits & boat building kits, boatbuilding -- By-The-Sea PLANS George Buehler Yacht Design Carlson Design Plotter/Cutters Baker Boat Works - Boat Plans Boat Plans, Boat Kits & boat building kits, boatbuilding -- By-The-Sea www.svensons.com - Free Boat Plans From "Science and Mechanics" Magazines Boatplans.dk Phil Bolger Light Schooner Building the Bolger Light Scooner Boating Hannu's Boatyard About Sailing - Free Boat Plans Build Your Own Boat, Kayak or Canoe- Free Plans Seamanship Techniques, Fixing Particular Stuff
Field & Stream - Tying the Knots gybe Good Old Boat: Long-Shaft Conversion by Cory Carpenter SJ23 Tech Tip B16 - Reseal a Leaking Toe Rail and Transom Molding Boat Trailers
Catalina 25 Skean-dhu, a Chrylser 26 sailboat - TRAILER Links to Links
The Mother of All Maritime Links: Contents Maritime Links: Page 4 of 30 Duckworks - Links Links Page Egrets and the Commodore boatlinks Marine Page 2 Groups
Yahoo! Groups : Cyber-Boat Searchable Index of groups.yahoo.com/group/SJ-24 Other Sailing Boating, Outdoors, Marine, Racing
WINCHES Harken: Winches Magnify People Power Personal Gear
Suunto.com Foul Weather Gear
Foulies Sailing Gear Foulies Point Loma Whitecaps Foul Weather Gear Foulies APS Wetsuits Foulies Whitecaps Drysuits
KB Marine Coliesails Masthead CRSA Rock N Rescue REI Machovec Knives
All weather sailors yachting knife at MadeInSheffield.com Sheffield Knives PremiumKnives.com we sell Boating and Yachting knife Boye Knives. Dendritic Cobalt Boat Knives Marlinespike.com - handmade sea chests, sea chest beckets and bellropes Sailor's Knife & Fid Penknives and blades by Ibberson of Sheffield UK. Ships Locker: Sailors Rigging Knives Cutlery Shop World Knives Discount Cutlery General Outdoors Gear Sites - Some Suitable for Sailing (fleece and base layers under your Foulies), Some Won't Hold Up Long (Rain Suits Good for Rain, Not Waves, some are practically disposable, while Foulies Last), But Have a Look
REI Recreational Equipment Incorporated -- Co-op Wonderful Wellies, UK based Outdoor Boots Site -- Might Be Better in the Boatyard in the Off-season than Sea Boots, Reviews of and Links to Camping Gear Campmor Popularly Priced Camping Gear County Comm dot Com -- Tactical and Prepper Gear Overruns and Closeouts, Especially Lights, Whistles and Sometimes Knives, Tools Good for Sailing -- If You're Racing, Why Not Titanium? Botach Tactical -- Tactical and Prepper Gear Some Good for Sailing -- OD doesn't mean One Design! Moosejaw Camping Gear Nautical Themed Gifts
Weather & Marine Instruments from Robert E. White Instruments NAUTICAL NOTIONS joke,jokes,nautical terms,sailing terms,quotations,quotes,proverbs,prayers,weather,superstions,quote,quotation,term,superstition
Washington Island Door County Green Bay Great Lakes
- portalwisconsin.org | Locations
- Museums Art Centers Historical Society Wisconsin Heritage
- Encyclopedia: Door County, Wisconsin
- EVENTS and Things to do in the area
- Shipyard Island Marina, Inc. (Washington Island, WI)
- Great Lake Plans Lakers Feighters
- Fish Tugs
- History of the Great Lakes. Volume I : 1881-1890
- History of the Great Lakes. Volume I
- Great Lakes Shipwreck Research
- History of the Great Lakes. Volume I
Plastic -- Cutting Board Factory
Green Boat Stuff Horseshoe MREs Heater Meals Westerbeke
Waterproof cases 1 Waterproof cases 2 Waterproof cases 3
Rigging and Rigging Bits
16 CFR Part 255 Notice: Sites marked with an
X (if any) said they might send some swag